Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ALERT: Rexall Pharma Plus (Toronto) NYX Displays UPDATED


As per my previous post regarding the "updated/redesigned" NYX displays at Rexall/PharmaPlus locations... I had managed to walk over to another store that carries NYX.

College Park (near/in College Station) has roughly the same selection as the Atrium at Bay (Dundas Station).

I took a mental note of what Jumbo Pencils that are "newly" available: Cottage Cheese, Slate, Purple, Ocean, French Fries, Horse Radish, Strawberry Milk. Items that were always in stock: Black Bean, Dark Brown, Lavender, Oyster, Rust, Pots N Pans

For my fellow Toronto residents/shoppers here are other locations I am aware of that carries NYX:

- First Canadian Place
- Yonge & Eglinton Mall/Plaza (near/inside Eglinton Station)
- Cloverdale Mall (west end Toronto)

Personally, Yonge Eglinton had quite a big selection prior to the updates. However with the new additions (diamond lipsticks and more jumbo pencils) I can only hope they've grown in size too ;p


  1. almost all the pharma plus' ive been to carried NYX, unfort. all the same products, no round lipsticks :(

  2. Thanks for the update.
    I haven't been to the Rexall at Yonge & Eglinton for a while so I'll definitely check it out...along with the two other locations that are closer to me.

  3. Don't forget Metro Hall (in/inside St. Andrew Station) :) They have single e/s, trios, lipsticks, jep and jlp!
